The Simply Brilliant Blog


Our latest edition of the Plastic Clean Lift, will be available soon!

Allen Field takes on custom projects of all scopes and sizes. We often go through multiple rounds of prototyping in pursuit of perfection. One such example is the PP800 Hand Hole Protector.

Allen Field’s Protective Hand Holes are designed to be inserted into die-cuts on the sides of boxes, to enable carrying ease and support.  In addition to reinforcing the die-cuts in corrugated boxes, an attached plastic cover prevents dust & debris from entering the box during shipping. Our original Corrugated Clean Lift had a corrugated base piece and attached to the box with adhesive glue. While this designs sufficed for many applications, it required adhesive and did not work with all types of boxes. The second generation, the Two-Part Ellipse Clean Lift, solved this problem with two featured plastic ellipse clips that could connect and allow for attachment without adhesive.

Recently we optimized the second edition.  This new design provides a more secure attachment without any glued parts while still adding reinforcement to the die-cuts, where the carrier lifts the box. This extra reinforcement to the hand holes helps prevent damage to the box and protects the carrier’s hands.

The PP800 clips will be especially useful for shipping electronics, medical devices and the alike, as the plastic dust covers keep all external particles from getting inside the box and potentially damaging the contained product. As the name “Clean Lift” suggests, this hand hole protector keeps your products pristine and protected during transportation. The new hand hole protector will be available for all Allen Field customers soon. To learn more about our latest designs and custom projects, please contact us today.

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