The Simply Brilliant Blog

The Carry Master Will Carry Allen Field Into 2012!

We never rest at Allen Field, where we are continually coming up with new packaging design ideas and challenging each other to come up with the perfect packaging design—even if we realize such a thing doesn’t exist. Probably.

Next up on the drawing board for the start of 2012 is a redesign of the Carry Master handle, which has been a vital component in our string packaging line for years. But there is always room for improvement, and so we have modified the original design to give it a smoother and sleeker look and finish. The Carry Master is already an attractive addition to any package, but this redesign will really allow it to stand out on the shelves and “jump out” at consumers!

Keep an eye out on our website this year to see the revamped and relaunched Carry Master. In the meantime, you can visit to learn more about Allen Field and how we can help with your design and packaging needs!

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